The end of the year is quickly approaching us and as per tradition, Niantic has announced some exciting new details regarding the final Community Day of 2020.
First started in 2018, Community Day has been held every month for a day. It features one Pokémon with boosted shiny rates and an exclusive move that the final evolution can only learn during that time.
Throughout this year, Pokémon GO players had the chance to get their hands on some of the most sought-after shiny Pokémon, such as Charizard and Gyarados, both with special moves, Dragon Breath and Aqua Tail, respectively.
If you didn’t get the chance to participate in one or more of the CDs, December Community Day is an opportunity to catch up with your friends and get those shiny, exclusive move ‘mons before 2020 comes to an end.
This year, the final community day will be special for many reasons. Niantic has announced that the players will get the opportunity to catch Community Day Pokémon from not only 2020, but 2019 as well. That means 22 Pokémon that were featured in Community Days over the last two years!
The end-of-the-year CD will be a two-day special event. The event will be held on December 12-13 weekend, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time on both days.
The Pokémon that will make an appearance during the December Community Day weekend, are the ones that were featured in CDs in 2019 and 2020.
However, not all Pokémon will be appearing more frequently in the wild.
According to Niantic, Pokémon featured in the Community Days over 2020 will have increased spawns in the wild. These include Abra, Charmander, Electabuzz, Gastly, Magikarp, Magmar, Piplup, Porygon, Rhyhorn, Seedot, and Weedle.
While those from 2019 will be making their appearance in the raids and in 2KM eggs over the two-day special event: Bagon, Turtwig, Chimchar, Mudkip, Ralts, Slakoth, Swinub, Torchic, Totodile, Trapinch, and Treecko.
The Pokémon from 2019 Community Days will be featured during both days, while the 2020 CD Pokémon wild spawns will be split between the two days. Abra, Gastly, Piplup, Rhyhorn, Seedot, and Weedle will have increased spawns on December 12. While on December 13, you can expect to see lots of Charmander, Electabuzz, Magikarp, Magmar, and Porygon.
If you evolve any of these Pokémon (regardless of when you caught them) into their final evolution during the event times, it will learn its respective special Community Day move.
Make sure to prioritize which Pokémon you need and be on the look-out for those whose Community Days you might have missed.
Aside from increased chances of shiny Pokémon, Community Day usually features some exciting bonuses.
This time around, aside from the increased spawns of 2020 CD Pokémon and 2019 Pokémon in 2KM eggs and raids, trainers can look forward to 2× Catch Stardust, 1/2 Egg Hatch Distance and Incense duration increase to three hours.
Trainers will be able to purchase a special December Community Day Box available for 1,280 PokéCoins featuring 30 Ultra Balls, five Lucky Eggs, one Elite Fast TM, and one Elite Charged TM.
A Special Research story, exclusive to the December Community Day will be available For US $1 (or the equivalent pricing tier in your local currency).
Event-exclusive Timed Research will be available for everyone. According to Niantic, “by completing Timed Research tasks, you’ll be able to earn an Elite Charged TM and other rewards.”
Additionally, on December 12, Mega Gengar raids will be happening more frequently; while on December 13, you can expect to see more Mega Charizard X raids around you.
The two-day special Community Day isn’t the only exciting thing happening in Pokémon GO this month. In celebration of the latest Pokémon film, Pokémon the Movie: Secrets of the Jungle, a special event is coming to Pokémon GO.
As a part of the event, starting Monday, December 14, 2020, at 8:00 a.m. local time, Jessie and James will be returning to Pokémon GO.
Completing a limited-time Special Research story inspired by the movie will reward players with a Shiny Celebi. According to Niantic, “in an odd twist of events, Jessie and James will be guiding you through this Special Research story instead of Professor Willow.”
Jessie and James in their Meowth balloon will return for a limited time, they will have different Shadow Pokémon than the last time the pair appeared in the world of Pokémon GO. New free avatar items inspired by Jessie’s and James’s outfits from the movie will also be available in the Style Shop.
Explorer Pikachu, inspired by Ash’s Pikachu from the movie will also be debuting during the event. Trainers will have the opportunity to catch the Pikachu from December 14 to December 21. During the December 15 Spotlight Hour, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. local time, Explorer Pikachu will be appearing more frequently in the wild, and you’ll receive twice the Candy for catching Pokémon.
After thrilling two-day Community Day, the Pokémon movie-inspired special event will be a great opportunity for trainers to enjoy catching a Shiny Celebi and try out their skills with familiar faces from the franchise – Jessie and James.
new Pokémon
the Movie: Secrets of the Jungle is scheduled to release on December 25, 2020,
in Japan, followed shortly by releases in other countries in early 2021.
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