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Fletchling Community Day in March and its PvP implications

Fletchling Community Day in March and its PvP implications

Category : News Views: 1856 Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Niantic has announced that the featured Pokémon for March Community Day will be Fletchling, the Tiny Robin Pokémon. Many Trainers around the world rejoiced with the news.

The Fletchling Community Day will be held on Saturday, March 6, 2021, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time.

In recent months, the game developer has come under fire from the Pokémon GO fans. The gamers have voiced their disappointment over the choices of Pokémon for the monthly Community Days. Throughout the last few months, Niantic has been holding CDs for Pokémon, whose Shiny forms were already in the game and exclusive moves had little to no impact on the GO Battle League, the game’s PvP system.

It seems like Niantic has heard the concerns and decided to feature Fletchling for March’s Community Day. This Pokémon came with the last wave of releases in Pokémon GO from the Kalos region. It will be the first of its generation to have the Shiny form available in-game. Additionally, the final evolution of Fletchling, Talonflame will learn the CD-exclusive move Incinerate.

Incinerate is a Fire-type fast attack that will fortify Talonflame as a viable choice for both the GO Battle Great League and Ultra League. You can read more on the Incinerate Talonflame PvP implications below.


Fletchling Community Day features and bonuses

Aside from the exclusive moves, frequent spawns and boosted Shiny rates for the featured Pokémon, Community Day traditionally brings a whole set of other exciting features and bonuses.

Trainers will be able to purchase a Community Day Box for 1,280 PokéCoins in the in-game shop, featuring 50 Ultra Balls, five Lucky Eggs, a Poffin, and an Elite Fast TM.

Additionally, for us $1 or equivalent in your currency, you can get access to the Fletchling Community Day–exclusive Special Research story, The Bravest Bird. Like the previous CD-exclusive research stories, it will reward you with the encounters with Fletchling and its evolutions and reward you with other items, such as Poffins, Incences and more.

As with the previous CDs, Incense activated during the event will last for three hours. The special bonus for March CD will be a triple Catch XP, so make sure to have your Lucky Eggs on hand, because with it on, the Catch XP can be 6 times the normal. You can use this opportunity to get the push you need to get to the next level.

Additionally, as Fletchling is a Normal and Flying-type Pokémon, you can take advantage of that and earn extra Fletchling Candy on each catch if you Mega-Evolve a Mega Charizard Y or Mega Pidgeot.


Incinerate Talonflame in the Great League

The dual Fire/Flying typing puts Talonflame at an advantage. There aren’t many strong Fire types in the Great League meta, mainly dominated by other types.

According to the data from PvPoke, with Incinerate and the attack-boosting Flame Charge, Talonflame can defeat over 60% of the GL meta with only these two moves, when two shields are invested.

With the addition of a Brave Bird as a second charged move to your Talonflame, you’re looking at a great coverage against Pokémon that resist Fire-type moves.

The only other Fire and Flying-type Pokémon that learns Incinerate is Ho-Oh, and with the current stats, Talonflame with Incinerate seems to out-perform the Johto Legendary bird in the Great League.


Incinerate Talonflame in the Ultra League

Using Talonflame in the Ultra League might prove to be a bit harder for everyone. Maxing out at only 2493 CP at level 50, you will need lots and lots of Candy XL to make this bird worthy of the Ultra League. Another thing to keep in mind is that you have to be past level 40 to be able to obtain Candy XL, so if you’re close, make sure to make the push over the 40 before the March 6 CD.

If you manage to accrue 296 Fletchling Candy XL during the 6 hours of Community Day, you can take your Talonflame to new heights in the UL.

As in the GL, in the Ultra League, Incinerate Talonflame is a major upgrade from its Fire Spin variant, once again overshadowing Ho-Oh.

As a bonus, Talonflame can enter the Premier Cup, where Ho-Oh isn’t allowed as a Legendary. You can take advantage of this and make your Premier Cup team much stronger with the help of this dual Fire/Flying-type.

Even if you don’t manage to make your Talonflame viable in Ultra League, you can still enjoy its power in the Great League. This Pokémon with the exclusive move will come as a breath of fresh air into the current meta and will make the PvP experience much more interesting.

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