Since its inception in the year 2016, the highly interactive Pokemon GO has come a long way. It has made people go crazy about the Pokemon world that started just like a regular TV show. Initially, the augmented reality game featured many issues, but it also had positive feedback from the user. There were a lot of debates and controversies related to the game, as it resulted in various accidents and nuisance around the globe. Nevertheless, the game easily managed to cover a wide scope of audience and currently makes billions in revenue.
It is no wonder that the game became so popular that it also led to the production of a movie. It was not entirely about the game, but Pokemon was a major protagonist. Today the game has a hype among the players all over the world, which is why the Pokemon GO community day is organized every month. The next community day will be on the 14th and 15th of December 2019. Let's dive into the details of the coming community day!!!
Community Day, by definition, is that day of the month when trainers or players meet at certain locations to share the experience of the game. This day offers the chance for trainers to make new friends and learn various things about the game.
Over the years, Niantic has made many incredible add ons to the Pokemon GO community day to make it more engaging for the trainers. This time Niantic has added some more craze to the event by conducting it for two days. Yes, you heard it right, the coming community day, will be seen on the 14th and 15th of December between 9 AM to 9 PM. Isn't that awesome?
Earlier, the community day was just for the time of 2-3 hours for one day, but this time it is for 24 hours distributed among two days.
Now, as you are well versed with the timing of the event, let's take a look at the other aspects of the community day. As per tradition, Niantic organizes community day with a featured pokemon each month. This Pokemon appears all around the world for the time of the event. This time as the event will be two days; hence, the Pokemon appearing will also be more in number. Here is a comprehensive list of the Pokemons that might appear on community day in December.
The day of 14th December (Saturday) will be decorated with these Pokemon characters:The Pokemon appearing in the wild are the ones that can be caught easily as they are not owned by anyone. The rare ones are a bit difficult to find, but some of them who you can catch this community day is:
- Totodile
- Swinub
- Bagon
- Turtwig
- Treecko
- Ralts
- Slakoth
- Torchic
- Mudkip
- Trapinch
- Chimchar
is not always about catching the Pokemon in the Wild or beating it in a
battle at the Gym. Pokemon can also be hatched from the eggs, and believe me, they might turn out stronger than the ones you catch or beat. The major part of hatching is to get eggs. That you can get either from your friends or by spinning the Pokestops. For hatching the eggs,
you need to incubate them and walk some distance from 1 to 6 miles. The more distance you walk, the stronger and rare Pokemon you will get.
- Charmander
- Treecko
- Dratini
- Mareep
- Bagon
- Swinub
- Larvitar
- Totodile
- Pikachu
- Bulbasaur
- Torchic
- Slakoth
The various bonuses that you can get this community day are:
- 2X Catch Stardust
- 2X Catch experience points (XP)
- Double hatch progress on the eggs that will be placed in the incubators for the event time.
On the 15th of December 2019, which is Sunday, you will see not much difference in the type of Pokemon to catch in the Wild or at the raid battles, but there will be differences in the Pokemon that you can hatch from the eggs. The Pokemon that will be available from the eggs for you are:
- Beldum
- Turtwig
- Chikorita
- Chimchar
- Cyndaquil
- Trapinch
- Squirtle
- Eevee
- Mudkip
- Ralts
community day, Niantic provides some of the unique moves to the Pokemon along with their appearance. These moves are only available within the event timings and for those specific Pokemon who evolve during this period. Hence, if you become successful in catching and evolving any of the Pokemon mentioned below. Do take a look at the moves that it can perform.
- Totodile: It is a water-type Pokemon that has a sweet look but beware of one of its dangerous move which is Hydro Cannon.
- Mudkip: Mudkip is another water-type Pokemon that also has its exclusive move as the Hydro Cannon.
- Chimchar: This cute little monster is a fire type pokemon. Powered by a gas made in its belly, Chimchar has Blast Burn as one of its primary moves.
- Slakoth: This normal type Pokemon has Body Slam as its move that you can observe during the Pokemon GO community day.
- Turtwig: This Pokemon is grass type and is kinda similar to a tortoise. One of its moves that will amaze you is, the Frenzy Plant.
- Torchic: It is tiny fire type Pokemon with Blast Burn as one of its featured moves.
- Ralts: Ralts is a generation 3 Psychic Pokemon. Don't forget to check out its Synchronoise move.
- Swinub: Swinub is an ice-ground type Pokemon that has dense brown hair on its body. The name of its exclusive move is Ancient Power.
- Bagon: This dragon type Pokemon has large triangular eyes and can hurt the defending Pokemon with its Outrage move.
- Trapinch: The orange insectoid Pokemon evolves to Vibrava when angry. Its ground type quality gives it the exclusive move named as Earth Power.
While celebrating Pokemon GO community day, keep a close check on the Pokemon that are supposed to appear in the wild and in the raids. If any of your Pokemon evolves, you might end up watching one of the most amazing things this community day.
The community day is still half a month ahead; hence, you have enough time to prepare for it. Study about the Pokemon mentioned and stock up your game inventory with Pokeballs, eggs, and Lure Modules. Go and meet new trainers that are experienced and qualified, you will need them when you are fighting the Pokemon at the gym. Keep the power banks charged as its gonna be a long weekend for you. Go and enjoy the fun weekend of Pokemon GO community day.
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