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Pokémon GO ‘GO Beyond’ update increases level cap, brings seasons and Kalos Pokémon

Pokémon GO ‘GO Beyond’ update increases level cap, brings seasons and Kalos Pokémon

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In arguably its biggest update to date, Pokémon GO has announced a level cap increase, seasonal changes to the game, and the first wave of a new generation of Pokémon coming in early December.

Pokémon GO level cap increase has been highly anticipated by players around the globe. Since the release of the game, Pokémon GO accounts had a level 40 cap. Trainers who gained more XP over the 20,000,000 total XP required for level 40 didn’t advance further in levels, until now.

With the addition of seasons, Pokémon GO has decided to reflect the daily reality around its players even more. There are several exciting features that will be implemented with the changing of seasons.

The first wave of the new generation of Pokémon is expected to make their Pokémon GO debut on December 2. Pokémon from the Kalos region, the sixth generation from the core series games, will bring the starter Pokémon – Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie and its final evolution, one of the all-time fan-favorites – Greninja.

Pokémon GO level cap increases to 50

People who have already reached Pokémon GO level 40 have something exciting to look forward to. However, the level cap increase won’t come easy for even those who have greatly surpassed the 20,000,000 mark.

As a part of the level-up redesign, starting on November 30, 2020, players will earn more XP from catching Pokémon, evolving Pokémon, hatching Eggs, registering new Pokédex entries, etc. According to Niantic, “in some cases, the XP earned will be as much as double what it was before,” making it easier for lower-level trainers to catch up to level 40 before the cap increases.

Trainers who reach level 40 before the end of this year will earn the title of Legacy 40 Trainer as well as an exclusive Gyarados Hat and a special Legacy 40 medal. To help the players earn more XP, a double catch XP bonus is currently in effect until December 31.

To make the level cap increase fair for everyone, advancing and reaching Pokémon GO level 50 won’t be solely based on XP points. Niantic, the company behind Pokémon GO, has announced a series of tasks that players will have to perform in order to advance beyond level 40.

According to Niantic, players will have to perform the new Level-Up Research to go past their current level 40 mark. Some of the examples of these tasks include having to catch a high number of Pokémon in a single day to reach level 41. Advancing to level 45 will be all about the Team GO Rocket. Trainers will likely have to battle the grunts and Team GO Rocket leaders to go from level 44 to 45.

Each level advancement requirement from 40 to 50 focuses on different parts of the gameplay while making it to level 50 in Pokémon GO will pose an ultimate test for even the most seasoned players.

According to Niantic, some examples of tasks that will be needed to be completed to reach level 50 include “making Excellent Throws, catching Legendary Pokémon, and defeating Team GO Rocket Leaders with Pokémon under 1,500 CP.”

Whether you’re already level 40 and have enough XP to advance you through the upcoming levels, or you’re still under 40 and hope to reach the current benchmark soon, the level cap increase brings exciting opportunities for gameplay with the addition of task requirements for leveling up.

Pokémon GO will change with the seasons

The Go Beyond update also brings the changing of seasons in Pokémon GO. As we move from winter to spring and through other seasons, the changes around us will also be reflected in Pokémon GO.

Depending on the season, different Pokémon will be appearing in the wild, hatching from eggs and appearing in raids. The season is also dependent on which hemisphere you’re in. For example, in the first season, the northern hemisphere will see Pokémon related to winter, while those related to summer will be seen in the southern hemisphere.

To reflect the changes of seasons, a different form of Deerling will be appearing in the wild, also based on the hemisphere you’re in. Deerling is a unique Pokémon, part of the fifth generation, it was recently added to Pokémon GO. It has four different forms, based on seasons. So far, only the Autumn Form Deerling has been available in Pokémon GO.

The in-game events will also be based on the current season, as well as available Mega Evolutions in raids. Changes to the GO Battle League system are also underway, with ranks increasing from the current 10 to 24. Niantic has also announced more updates to the seasons system in the future.

Kalos Pokémon are coming

Pokémon first discovered in the Kalos region are coming in Pokémon GO. Making their debut on December 2, players will have the chance to catch the starter Pokémon Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie and their evolutions. Aside from the three starters, players will see Bunnelby and its evolution, Diggersby; the evolutionary line of Fletchling; Litleo and both forms of Pyroar.

The new wave of Pokémon also adds another exciting regional Pokémon. Klefki, the keychain Pokémon will only be appearing in France, a country upon which the Kalos region is based in the main series games.

Niantic has also teased a mysterious 1-star Raid Egg. With no further information on which Pokémon it may be, the players will have to wait to see.

Kalos region homes some of the most-loved Pokémon, including the final eeveelution not yet available in Pokémon GO – Sylveon. Trainers have been waiting for a long time to complete their eeveelutions with the fairy type evolution of Eevee.

This year posed many challenges to Pokémon GO. It grappled with the very core idea of its gameplay – getting people to go outside and explore their surroundings. As the majority of the people around the world went under a mandatory lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Niantic had to come up with new ways to make their game accessible to players while they’re staying indoors.

Despite the drastic changes that the world has undergone this year, Pokémon GO has brought new Pokémon and features almost every month. With these exciting updates and the whole new generation of Pokémon on the way, the next few months, as well as 2021 are shaping up to be exciting for Pokémon GO players.

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