The New Pokémon Snap special event is coming to Pokémon GO to celebrate the April 30 release of New Pokémon Snap for Nintendo Switch.
The New Pokémon Snap was announced last year. The game centers around taking pictures of Pokémon. It is a sequel to a 1999 game of the same name, and the new version brings so much more 22 years later.
In the original game, there were just over 50 Pokémon available to capture; this time around, there will be over 200 Pokémon available for players to photograph.
In New Pokémon Snap, players will travel to the Lental region to photograph a variety of Pokémon to create their very own Pokémon Photodex.
Photography and the blending of the real and virtual world have been the cornerstone of Pokémon GO since its inception. To celebrate the new game about photographing Pokémon, a special event will take place in Pokémon GO.
During the event, Pokémon inspired by the Lental region’s diverse environments will appear more often in the wild and raids, a new avatar item and sticker will be available, and Shiny Smeargle will make its Pokémon GO debut.
The event will take place from Thursday,
April 29, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. to Sunday, May 2, 2021, at 8:00 p.m. local time.
To celebrate the release of the New Pokémon Snap game, Pokémon inspired by the Lental region’s deserts, jungles, and underwater landscapes will be appearing more often in the wild. Those include Lotad, Cacnea, and Ducklett.
For the first time in Pokémon GO, Shiny Smeargle will be available. Smeargle will also be appearing in snapshots more often than usual.
However, Smeargle will only appear in snapshots a limited number of times, so encountering a Shiny variant will be even more challenging than usual. Additionally, after the event ends, Shiny Smeargle won’t be available anymore except for during other future events.
Lental region-inspired Pokémon like
Vaporeon, Meganium, and Trapinch will be appearing more often in raids.
To honor the photographic essence of the game, event-exclusive Field Research and Timed Research focusing on capturing snapshots will be available during the event.
A camera avatar item and a camera-themed
Gift sticker will be available in the shop during the event.
New Pokemon Snap will be released on April 30th for the Nintendo Switch console. This spinoff game will give players the to witness and photograph Pokemon in their natural habitats.
Unlike the main series games, where players have to compete in the Gym Challenge and complete a Pokédex, Pokémon Snap will focus on capturing the best photographs of Pokémon and completing your Photodex.
According to the official information, there will be over 200 Pokémon appearing in the new game, set in the Lental region, an archipelago with varying environments, such as beaches, jungles, and deserts.
Pokémon from all other regions can be encountered in Lental. In the official trailers and previews, some of fan-favorite Pokémon have made appearances, confirming that they can be photographed in the new game.
Some of the popular Pokémon that made it on the Lental islands include Squirtle, Lapras, Swanna, Exeggutor, Emolga, and of course Pikachu. It seems that the starter Pokémon from the most recent Galar region, Grookey, Scorbunny, and Sobble will also be making an appearance.
In New Pokémon Snap, players will be traveling around in their trusty pod, called the NEO-ONE. A unique new phenomenon called Illumina will be introduced with the game. Illumina makes Pokémon and vegetation in Lental glow. The objective of the player will be to study and uncover the mystery of the Illumina phenomenon.
Lental’s very own Professor Mirror will be guiding you through your journey, helping you catalog the Pokémon and assessing your photographs based on the Pokémon’s poses, how large they appear, how directly they’re facing you, and other factors.
The pictures you take can be shared with your friends on social media. A new collaboration between Nintendo and Instax will even bring a Switch-themed Fujifilm Mini Link Special Edition for those wanting to print out some of their best work from New Pokémon Snap.
The New Pokémon Snap game is an exciting opportunity to experience Pokémon in their natural habitats. For some, the game will be nostalgic to play after the 1999 version; for others, it will be a brand-new experience loaded with excitement.
The New Pokémon Snap event in Pokémon GO will
bring a Shiny variant of one of the most elusive Pokémon in the game for a
limited time. Make sure to use the opportunity and take as many snapshots as you
can to encounter Smeargle, the Painter Pokémon and possibly get the Shiny
variant during the event.
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