Niantic has announced several new events heading to Pokémon GO in the upcoming days.
Sustainability Week will bring a new Pokémon to the game, as well as exciting real-world goals for the Trainers.
The first-ever Friendship Day will increase
the chances of getting a Lucky Pokémon from a trade and spawn Grass-type
Pokémon more frequently in the wild.
As a part of the Niantic Sustainability Campaign, a week-long sustainability-themed event will be coming to Pokémon GO. Binacle, a Two-Handed Pokémon will make its Pokémon GO debut during the event. In addition, a free Sustainability Week T-shirt avatar item will be available in the shop.
The Sustainability Week will run from Tuesday, April 20, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. to Sunday, April 25, 2021, at 8:00 p.m. local time.
In addition to Binacle and its evolution Barbaracle, a Shiny Trubbish will also make its Pokémon GO debut.
During the week, Pokémon like Grimer, Drilbur, Trubbish, Ferroseed, and more will be appearing more often in the wild.
The 5 km Eggs obtained during the event will hatch: Diglett, Tangela, Goldeen, Budew, Cherubi, Finneon, and Drilbur.
Binacle, Trubbish, Vileplume, Alolan Exeggutor, along with other Pokémon will be appearing in raids. Binacle, Cottonee, Chespin, and more will also be available as event-exclusive Field Research encounters. An event-exclusive Timed Research will also be accessible during the event.
During the Sustainability Week, Trainers can work alongside players of other Niantic games to unlock special tiered in-game rewards by participating in the Niantic Sustainability Campaign in the real world.
Trainers can complete one of the actions encouraged by Niantic to unlock the special rewards in Pokémon GO. The actions include:
Take Care of Your Community:
pick up trash around your neighborhood
Adopt a New Sustainability
Practice: plant a tree, shrub, or other native plant
· Help Out a Local Cause: volunteer your time
For your action to be counted towards the global effort to unlock in-game rewards, you can post your efforts on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram between April 20, 06:00 p.m. UTC to April 23, 11:59 p.m. UTC.
Based on the engagement from players around the globe, the following rewards will be available on Sunday, April 25, 2021, from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. local time:
Tier 1(2,500 activations):
Five-star raids will appear more often.
Tier 2 (5,000 activations): A
free bundle containing three Remote Raid Passes will be available in the shop.
The rewards from Tier 1 will remain active.
· Tier 3 (10,000 activations): A 2× Catch XP bonus will be live. The rewards from Tiers 1 and 2 will remain active.
Make sure to participate in the global
sustainability efforts to earn these great rewards in Pokémon GO.
An all-new one-day event focused on friendship will take place in Pokémon GO on April 24. Niantic has hinted that the celebration will be reoccurring.
For the first Friendship Day, Grass-type Pokémon will be appearing more frequently in the wild. To celebrate the Grass types, green confetti will be appearing on the map during the event.
With the Collection Challenge, Trainers will have the opportunity to receive lots of XP and Pokémon traded during the day will have a higher chance of becoming Lucky.
The first-ever Friendship Day will occur on Saturday, April 24, 2021, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. local time.
The Friendship Day event will be a great opportunity to earn extra XP. If you want to move up the levels fast, don't miss out on this event, because the XP bonuses will undoubtedly give you a boost.
If you complete the Friendship Day Collection Challenge before the event concludes, you will earn 100,000 XP. Additionally, you can take part in the Friendship Day Global Challenge to earn 20,000 XP for each hourly challenge you complete.
On Friendship Day, when you complete a trade with a friend, you will have a better chance of receiving a Lucky Pokémon. Although the event ends at 2:00 p.m., this bonus will be available until 5:00 p.m. local time on the day of the event.
Additionally, during Friendship Day, the trade distance will be increased to 40 km; a 3× Catch XP bonus will be active; and Incense and Lures activated during the event will last for three hours.
Make sure to take full advantage of these events and have fun catching new Pokémon and leveling up.
Tune in next week to read about an exciting
event that will celebrate the release of the New Pokémon Snap game for Nintendo
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